Thursday, September 4, 2008

Virgin Bash Test Weekend

Ok first off i would just like to say a big thank-you to Will for getting the car done. We didn't think we were going to be able to go on this weekend bash because the car wasn't safe. So on Friday i went down to Byron bay and bought another car (EJ Holden another bash car that was all ready to go) just in case the valiant wasn't ready. But we got the phone call about 3pm Friday afternoon saying valiant was right to go. This is at 6am out front of Joys house loading up the car. We all meet at Beenliegh Mcdonalds then we set out along the back of Beaudesert valley thru to O'Rielly's. Stopped for morning tea, then we did some bush bashing turning left into Duck creek Rd-Bumpy-Bumpy-Lumpy-Large Bumps-Bumpy hairpin-Grid-Another bump just like the others. Select low gear-washout-more bumps.

Regroup we will be stopping for lunch at Kyogle. From there we will be off road so watch out for the bumps and grids.

Arrive at Briggen Camping Grounds

Had a great Christmas in August Diner and breakie the next day pack up and off we go, But watch out you dont get---

OOPS have to get out and push.
we went through 13 creeks and we got stuck in 2 not bad. Great driving Michelle.
The car went great and we had a great time.
Thank you Sir Albert for organising this week end.
Now we cant wait to do the real Bash.

Its only 4 weeks girls to the big one.

This is our spare EJ Holden.

1 comment:

NettieS said...

Well Done Girls! Karen I would never have thought years ago that you would have done a rally.... Good for you. I'm jealous. LOL.
Good luck for the next one. Nettie

So Far This Year