Tuesday, April 22, 2008

2nd BBQ

Well we had another BBQ at the Mt Gravatt Soccer Club on Saturday night and at least it didn't rain this time. Once again a big thank you to James the coffee man for suppling us with the salads.
We are having alot of fun raising funds for the variety bash, and if you would like to help out by making a donation just email me at keburgess@optusnet.com.au

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Cookie dough drive

We have the cookie dough Drive again. Order due in by end of the month and Delivery is on the 9th may so stock up, with any luck we might be able to do another one in Aug/Sept.

If you haven't tried the cookie dough now is a good time, it is so easy to do, just put a spoonful on the tray and bake for 10 min its that easy.

Or just eat it uncooked on its own, great with ice-cream ( Americans love it )

Jason from our work bought one last time and has finished it and his didn't even make it to the OVEN....

So come on get your cookie dough now.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

1st Sausage Sizzle

We have just had our 1st Sausage Sizzle and yes it rained.
But we had a great time. We were up at the Mt Gravatt Soccer Club and Joy was cooking up a storm. The rain kept alot of people away, so hopefully the crowds are bigger next time. Yes there will be a next time infact we are doing the whole soccer season.
We would like to thank Noel for getting it all together for us, Debbie who runs the canteen/ bar. And to James the coffee man who supplied us with the salads for the BBQ. And thanks to everyone else who supported us by buying a hamburger or sausage in a roll.
Or as we were jokingly saying Kitten burger or KittenTail in a roll ( he he )

Hope to see you at our next BBQ on Sun 20th April 5-8pm

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


This week-end we are doing a sausage sizzle at the Mt Gravatt Soccer club for the seniors home game, So come say Hi. We will be running them every home game which is every second or so weeks. If you have an event and would like us to have a sausage sizzle at your function let us know, we will see what we can do.
Hope you have a great week...

So Far This Year